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INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED TANTRA TRAINING Module 1 (History and Philosophy of Tantra).
MODULE 1 (4 Modules in total)
Parnell Conference Centre
27th August 2023 - 9am to 4pm $197.00
What is Tantra?
Tantra is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It means to “weave” weaving the form (the body) with higher consciousness (the soul). The practice of Tantra is duality to unity which lifts humanity one step up from the animal kingdom, the basic primal desire nature and into the heart of the Divine.
The word “Tantra” has been used with much misunderstanding in society today that many have been misled by the glamour and perception that Tantra is just about physical pleasure based in the lower centres (chakras) when in actual fact the true path of Tantra is Sadhana, a journey of discarding the layers of the lower personality nature through a deep inner soul searching journey that goes way and beyond the confines of just the form (the body - involution).
Tantra is a science of evolution, unlocking and decoding life’s many mysteries and discovering the mystery of self, self-realization, self-knowledge and self-love. When self-love is awakened, we recognize this as unconditional love in others, our community, humanity and the soul.
The benefits of learning Tantra:
Tantra and Relationships:
Relationships are one of the most sacred and important aspects in our life. This includes the relationship we have with ourselves as well as friends, family and partners. Most people desire to be in a relationship that is based in connection, loving understanding, passion and harmony yet so many struggle with communication and intimacy issues, conflicts, and incompatibility; never really finding the Sacred Union that their heart and soul ultimately desires.
About the Training Program:
The Sanctuary of Ananda (formerly the Sanctuary of Tantra), established in 2004 is Australia’s leading Tantra Training School and is recognised as an Approved Platinum Training Provider and Silver Ambassador with IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists).
This CERTIFIED Tantra Training is a four part module system that will enable the student to gain deeper knowledge and insight into the teachings and philosophy of Eastern Tantra and to understand the principle teachings of consciousness and self-love. When self-love is awakened, we recognize this as unconditional love for others, our community, humanity and all souls.
If you are searching for authentic spiritual wisdom, to gain a deeper insight into self, to add and utilize skills for a new or existing holistic business and to really make a difference in the world, then this life changing training is for you.
"I attended modules 1-3 of Cathy's Accredited Tantra Practitioner training and the experience was life-changing. With Cathy's wisdom, support and guidance I now feel at peace and in tune with myself, and confident to manage life's inevitable ups and downs. Cathy's knowledge of Tantra is vast and her approach to teaching is accessible and warm; she is patient, compassionate and joyful. Since completing my training, Cathy has continued to support me by responding immediately when I have a question or need professional advice. I feel grateful and proud to call Cathy my teacher and I highly recommend the Accredited Tantra Practitioner training. I umm'd and ahh'd for a while before I committed to the training, but I'm telling you now- JUST DO IT! I have walked away from this course with a huge range of amazing and very practical resources to support me to pass on my new knowledge of this beautiful practice and serve my community. Thank you for everything, Cathy." Meg Callander GDipSx, BAPHHP (Hons) 2019
Investment: $197 ($97Non-Refundable Deposit is required to secure your place. Maximum 20 Participants)
(All inclusive – Extensive Training Manuals, Women’s Meditation Audio Program, Men's Mediation Audio Program)
Please note: Module 1 is designed for personal and spiritual growth. It is not compulsory to study Modules 2, 3 and 4 to be eligible to attend this training program.
The rest of the Modules will be offered later in 2024.